News for November 2008


Browsing through You Tube (Something I never usually do ) I found some Fantastic Doctor Who Music Videos, the best one of the lot has got to be Crucify your love, to me it sounds great (a bit like Creed). Have a look and let me know what you think.

Crucify Your Love

All Ten Doctors in three Minutes

Music of the Spheres

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The recent deal with American book publishers for Google's Book search (which we reported about here Google Agrees Copyright Deal) is causing some concern for European Book Sellers, with many fearing it could effectively drive them out of business.

Publishers and Authors are widely supportive of the plan which may be introduced in Europe but...

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With the fairly recent launch of Amazons Kindle and the imminent arival of Sony's Third Generation PRS-700, there are some big players backing the e-book market so is time to be concerned about the future of the traditional book format?

There are quite a number of e-book readers on the market today, but the big two that stand out have to be Sony's and Amazon's.

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When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.
- Albert Einstein

We have a new video Interview with Terry Pratchett, posted recently on You Tube and also available on the official...

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Doctor Who

Documents made public for the first time show the BBC were very nervous about releasing Doctor Who or a Sci Fi show into a mainstream audience.

Concerns were raised that bringing a science fiction drama to the BBC would not be an automatic winner and was considered too an obscure subject with a too small set and limited budget.


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Science Fiction author Ian McDonald has been nominated for the Warwick Prize for his novel Brasyl.

The Warwick Prize is an biennial international cross-disciplinary award open to literature in any genre or form in the English language. An author winning this award stands to get £50 000 prize money.

Ian McDonald who won the 2008...

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Red Dwarf

You heard right, we are going to get four brand new episodes of the hit TV series Red Dwarf on the TV Channel Dave.

These are to celebrate the 21st birthday of red dwarf and filming begins in January 2009 with two episodes being created with the same look and feel as the original series.

Doug Naylor is masterminding the special episodes and the...

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One of the greatest space ships ever, the millenium falcon from Star Wars has been rebuilt by those clever toy makers Hasbro, and for the first time in ages (and I mean years) it actually looks like a good quality build. It really does remind me of those star wars toys made to such a good standard in the 80's, (I used to have most of the set including the ewok village and the star destroyer).

The ship has been launched with...

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When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.
- Albert Einstein

Michael Crichton, the celebrated author of "Jurassic Park", has lost his battle with Cancer and sadly passed away on Wednesday 4th November 2008, aged 66.

Michael achieved the most fame for his book "Jurassic Park", which was turned into a block busting movie by Steven Spielberg. Michael had however previous success with books turned to movies,...

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The hunt for gollum

A new film by fans of the lord of the rings films has been made, called The Hunt for Gollum.

The new film is an entirely non profit venture, starring produced and directed by fans of JRR Tolkiens works. Chris Bouchard is the director (and the brainchild) behind this very limited budget venture (less than ?3000) but...

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