News for October 2011


The Open University has created six very interesting little videos that explain some of the most famous thought experiments.

Narrated by David Mitchell and animated in a friendly style, these 60 second videos are both fascinating and insightful.

From the 5th Century BC all the way up to the late 20th Century AD, these thought experiments have been devised by some of the greatest minds in history...

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The very talented comedian Tim Minchin performed the Doctor Who theme tune at the BBC Comedy Proms and it sounds fantastic:


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SF Gateway

While some publishers are bemoaning the drop in paper book sales, decrying the end of all things book related a few of the more forward thinking are embracing this shift in format and realise it for what it is - a simple change in the format of the book.

As I have said on a number of occasions I firmly believe there will always be a...

Article by Ant
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Freedom is just chaos, with better lighting
- Alan Dean Foster
Book of the Month October 2011

This month was the hardest this year to choose a book of the month, I have read some absolutely incredible novels in September and most of those reviewed were worthy to be placed here.

In the end though there can be only 1 winner and Son of Heaven by David Wingrove just edged in over my other choice Perdido...

Article by Ant
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