News for February 2011

A book reviewers review of the Kindle

There are a number of debates going on around the internet at the moment about the ebook market and how people's perceptions differ regarding the actual value of an ebook. In essence the actual media that a book resides on shouldn't effect it's true value, it's the actual content that matters, the slice of life that the...

Article by Ant
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The Terminator 2 theme, played as a piano solo, I am in a small amount of awe when I see such talent, love the bit at the end too.


Article by Ant
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Kings Justice - Book of the month

It's been a very tough call this month choosing the book of the month from the January reviews. Not only has there been 18 to choose from (20 if you count the 2 published from TC) but the level of quality has been outstanding.

Those of note include 3 from Angry Robot Books - King's Justice, Point and Death's...

Article by Ant
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The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
- Bill Watterson

A few days ago we mentioned that a UFO was caught on camera hovering over mount Zion in Jeruselem, well there was also another person taking footage of this from a different angle:

There was also reports of a UFO over Utah in the USA with eye witness reports specifying that this UFO jettisoned an unknown cargo, there are lots of witnesses and video, it was even reported on the US News program ABC 4 News:


Article by Ant
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