News for June 2010

angry robot books

Angry Robot Books, formally an imprint of Harper Collins have signed their first new author since going independent.

Justin Gustainis has joined the robot horde with his range of urban fantasy novels to be published in spring 2011.

Angry Robot had this to say:

We are delighted to announce our latest...

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Terry Pratchet

One of my very favorite authors of all time and also one of the most popular authors ever with more than 55 million novels sold, Sir Terry Pratchett is teaming up with one of my most respected authors of all time, hard scifi writer Stephen Baxter - creator of Space, Evolution, flux and Arc (to name a few) - to create a science...

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Will Our Prime Minister uncover the truth about Aliens?

Back in January 2009, David Cameron was speaking at one of his Cameron Direct meetings where he answered the public's questions, and the question was raised about aliens visiting the earth while he held a meeting at Tynemouth on Tyneside.

A member of the audience asked:

"In July last year...

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There is no friend as loyal as a book.
- Earnest Hemmingway
Nasa warns of mass devastation in 2013

Nasa has warned that some parts of the world (including the UK) could face mass power blackouts, loss of communication, air travel and severe distruption to electrical items in 2013 as they predict a massive rise in solar flares when the sun awakes from it's (relative) slumber in a once in a lifetime...

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Carbonate Mineral Rocks

Huge Seas covered Mars

New evidence has recently been revealed that strengthens the theory that life once existed on the red planet. Earlier this week it was reported by NASA that the Mars Exploration Robot "Spirit" has found martian rocks rich in carbonate minerals, which suggests there was much more water in Mars...

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Evidence grows for Life on Titan

The Evidence of life on Titan (the largest of Saturns moons) has grown recently thanks to the Cassini spacecraft. Titan is a very different place than Earth, in size it's about 50% bigger than Earth's moon and is the second biggest moon in the solar system (Jupiter's moon Ganymede being the...

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Sony Predicts ebooks to outsell Print within 5 years

Sony has predicted that sales of e-books will overtake those of printed books within the next 5 years. This was announced by the President of Sony's "digital reading division" - Steve Haber who has gone on to say:

"Three years ago, I said within ten years but I realised that was wrong -...

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This week marks the beginning of a very important event in the 21st century space race as 6 volunteers start a simulated voyage to Mars.

These 6 mock astronauts will live for 520 days in a vacuum sealed mock spaceship which has been built in a warehouse in one of Moscow's suburbs. While not as glamorous as the real thing, this is non the less a very important step in the eventual human mission to the red planet.

Organised by...

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