News for July 2010

After years of pretty much ignoring the United Kingdom e-book market and then the half-hearted attempt with "allowing" UK shoppers to buy a Kindle in the UK, Amazon is now finally taking things seriously with 2 revamped versions of the Kindle for the UK market.
Offering a complete...
The inevitable march of the e-book continues apace with the news this week that in the US on, sales for e-books have outpaced those of hardback novels and the growth of e-book sales is increasing.
In a statement Amazon US said:
"over the past three months, for every 100 hardcover books has sold, it has sold 143 Kindle books."
At first glance this sounds pretty impressive but this is just marked...
South Africa's greatest export (in our opinion) Lauren Beukes, hit the literary scene last year with the an ultra-smart urban science fiction novel Moxyland which showed a grim vision of a near future Cape-town. Moxyland recieved critical acclaim when first launched by Angry Robot Books in July 2009 and has been nominated for a number of awards.
This year sees the launch of her second novel, again published by the hotest newly...
Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.

The 19th July 2010 marks the launch of the new website Titan Books by the distinguished publisher of Books specialises in high quality film, TV and music tie-ins, illustrated books, fiction and graphic novels.
The new site has been created by one of the UK's principal digital agencies - Zone (Penguin, Film Four and The...

This Tuesday (6th July) was the 63rd anniversary of the Roswell UFO incident and even those with no interest or knowledge of UFO's or aliens have heard of Roswell, 6th July 1947. The story goes that a UFO crashed in the desert around Roswell and that the American military recovered parts of the spaceship and also alien bodies, which they...
Back in May we mentioned that Tom Tom has signed up the evil Sith lord Darth Vader to voice their in car GPS systems. This month it's the turn of the 900 year old Jedi Master Yoda. Again the recording video is seriously funny stuff, check it out:

Ira Nayman, the Canadian author and journalist has won first place in the 2010 Swift Satire Competition. The winning entry was a poem set in images called "Love Amid the Construction" and...
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