News for April 2009

The hunt for gollum

The Hunt for Gollum premiers this bank holiday weekend at sci-fi London. For those who haven't heard, The Hunt for Gollum is an entirely fan made non-profit film.

Made to a budget of just £3000, The Hunt for Gollum looks very impressive and has been created in the same style as Peter Jacksons Epic Trilogy.

The 40 minute...

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Powers by Ursula K Le Guin

This years winners of the Nebula awards have been announced over the weekend at the UCLA, presided over by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA).

Ursula K Le Guin has won best novel with her new book, "Powers" while best Novella was won by Catherine Asaro for "The Spacetime Pool".

The winner of the...

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Dark Matter

Astronomers have found evidence of the most distant water ever located in the universe, the water has been found in a another galaxy billions of light years away.

This astounding discovery was made by a joint USA - European venture and has been announced at the "European Week of Astronomy and Space Science" conference.


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old age, like a moth in some fading arras, will gnaw at my memories oversoon, as it gnaws at the memories of all men.
- Clark Ashton Smith
Doctor Who

Doctor Who has been chosen as the best scifi theme tune for a television series in an online vote on the long established and very popular website total scifi.

It beat series like red dwarf ("I want to lie ship wrecked and comatose"), Mark Snows X-files tune, Buffy and Star Trek.

Total Sci-Fi editor Matt McAllister commented...

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The Co-Creator of Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), Dave Arneson has died of cancer aged 61. He had been battling the illness for the last 2 years and passed away on tuesday.

Being an avid table top gamer, Dave attended a convention in 1969 and met Gary Gygax. They became great friends and their first collaboration, along with Mike Carr, was a set...

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Terry Pratchet

Terry Pratchett's Discworld has come one step closer to reality after road names at a new housing estate in somerset have been named after streets in Ankh-Morpork.

Peach Pie street and Treacle Mine road are included in the Kingswell Rise development in Wincanton. Sir Terry visited the town on Sunday to officially...

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Dark Matter

Scientists have detected an unexplained source of positrons in space after using a space based research satellite called Pamela ( Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics), launched in June 2006.

This satellite carries instruments designed to investigate Dark Matter particles in space. It has detected an excess of...

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Worlds Most Powerful Laser Scientists in the USA have just finished constructing the worlds most powerful Laser, aimed at recreating the conditions at the heart of the Sun. The goal of the experiment is to demenstrate the feasibility of Nuclear fusion, which could mean abundant clean energy.

The Experiment aims 192 Lasers at a tiny amount of...

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