News for March 2009

Dustin Hoffman

Dustin Hoffman, who was a chemist for Maxwell House before becoming an Actor, would like to see more Science fact in Science Fiction films. He is leading a campaign and plans to host events so that scientists and directors can meet in an effort to "get it right".

Dustin is a new member of the Science and Entertainment Exchange...

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Mars According to planetary scientists, salt water pools may still exist on Mars, just below the surface of the planet. It has been previously thought that any remaining water on Mars must exist solely as either ice or vapour due to the low pressure and temperature.

Nasa's most recent Mars probe, the Phoenix Lander has found the presence of...

Article by Ant
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A very talented rendition of how Harry Potter could have been pitched to a reluctant editor. Amongst the best lines are: "What'll happen with the next four books?. Rather than writing short, concise, carefully edited stories, she'll just write until her hand...

Article by Ant
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Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.
- Kurt Vonnegut

The British library

The British library has admitted to losing more than 9000 books, some of which have not been seen for 50 years.

Amongst those missing are Renaissance treatises on theology and alchemy, a 1876 illustrated edition of Alice in Wonderland, a medieval text on astronomy, first editions of 19th- and 20th-century novels, and a luxury...

Article by Ant
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To celebrate the launch of the film Watchmen, Doctor Manhattan has appeared over the Thames to the surprise of London residents on Wednesday night (4th March 2009).

The blue skinned superhero appeared over London's river and towered over 70 feet, floating in the air.

This fantastic PR stunt was created by using the worlds largest water...

Article by Ant
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