News for December 2009

Doctor Who

The demise of the Tenth (and arguably most popular Doctor), played by David Tennant is to be shown over the Christmas period in a special two part episode. Most of us know this already, but here we can confirm the dates and times as 6pm Christmas Day and 6.40pm New Years day on BBC One.

These promise to be very special episodes...

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A giant UFO has been filmed hovering over the Kremlin in Russia by passers by, and experts are so far baffled over the footage. The video, which is now the most viewed video on the Russian Youtube, if genuine can be arguably the best footage yet over the growing evidence of UFO activity.

According to the Daily Mail, the UFO was seen hovering over the Kremlin for a number of hours and was reported by hundreds of people. The UFO is...

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This is one of those rare finds on the internet, a very unusual review of the Star Wars film, Episode 1 Phantom Menace. At 1 hour and 10 minutes, this is a review like you will have never seen before.

Narrated in a very unusual, dead pan voice, the reviewer clearly knows his stuff, and leaves no stone unturned. It is however very very strange but also oddly addictive viewing, It's also been approved by Simon Peg no less.

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The ships hung in the sky, much the way that bricks don't
- Douglas Adams
Soul Stealers

Those ever so angry robots have announced new covers for 3 upcoming books, including the sequel to the incredible novel Kell's Legend.

Titled "Soul Stealers", the front cover actually features a quote from our very own review. We at Science fiction andfantasy feel very honoured and would like to extend thanks to both angry robot books and...

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David Gemmell Award Winner

The incredible novel Kell's legend, by Andy Remic has been nominated for a David Gemmell award!

The David Gemmell award was created to honour the best works in fantasy while also raising the awardness of the fantasy genre and celebrate it's historic and cultural Importance.

The award also of...

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Borders Books

The recent collapse of the book seller chain Borders has left many publishers very concerned over the £5m - £7m debt however news has emerged recently that this will be recouped by the ongoing sale of existing stocks.

The administrators handling the close, MCR told publishers that it had sufficient funds to settle claims and was...

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The Bulgarians are among us...

According to the Bulgarian government scientist Professor Lachezar Filipov, Aliens are already here on earth and have been visiting us for some time. They also claim to be in contact with these Aliens and are working on deciphering a complex set of symbols that were sent to them.

Furthermore the Aliens are currently...

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