News for January 2010

Trudi Canavan wins 2009 Aurealis Award

Trudi Canavan, australian author of the Black Magician Trilogy and the Age of the Five series, has won the 2009 Best Fantasy Aurealis Award for her new novel "Magicians Apprentice".

Her previous novels have all been nominated for both Aurealis and Ditmar awards and have entered the Australian SF...

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Free SF limericks from Peter Salisbury

The author of the rather excellent novel Passengers to Sentience has written some very amusing Scifi and Robot rich family friendly Limericks, all contained in a collection called the "Completely Electronic Robot and Science Fiction Limerick Book" available completely free as an ebook from Smashwords.

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2009 Philip K Dick Award nominations

The final nominations for the 2009 Philip K Dick awards have been announced. The nominations include established author Ian MacDonald for his latest novel Cyberbad Days, along with some previously unkown (to us anyway) authors.

The winner will be announced on Friday 2nd April 2010 at The...

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Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
- Douglas Adams

Science fiction and fantasy can exclusively reveal that the acclaimed British comedy author, scriptwriter, producer and stand up comedian, Rob Grant has confirmed that new novels are on the horizon.

Revealed to a trusted source privately on the social networking site Twitter, he confirmed that he has been busy doing stand up comedy,...

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Knighttime is a new website featuring a serial fantasy story published in audio format. Based in the Kingdom of Udenland which is populated by strange creatures and "unique" characters, the protagonists are the adventurous Knights "Sir Cottington" and "Sir Bratwurst".


Created by a group called "the Hazardous Players", every other week a new audio...

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British Fantasy awards 2009

The finalists of the 2009 Aurealis awards have been announced. The Aurealis awards were created in 1995 to recognise the achievements of Australian science fiction, fantasy and horror writers.

Designed to compliment the Australian annual science fiction convention Ditmar awards and the Australian Children's book...

Article by Ant
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