Exclusive! Rob Grant to write new novels


Science fiction and fantasy can exclusively reveal that the acclaimed British comedy author, scriptwriter, producer and stand up comedian, Rob Grant has confirmed that new novels are on the horizon.

Revealed to a trusted source privately on the social networking site Twitter, he confirmed that he has been busy doing stand up comedy, which all series Red Dwarfers would already be ware of, since he announced that on the official Red Dwarf website back in September 09.

His most recent novel was the hilarious "Fat" which was released in 2007. Rob has confirmed that he is writing a sequel to the excellent novel Incompetence, has a new unrelated novel in the works and also a sequel to Colony "in my head".

Having completed his 2009 tour which has been a great success, he also has plans to tour this year, dates of which are yet to be confirmed but will hopefully include Manchester, his home town.