Science Fiction Book Reviews

Science Fiction
Honeycomb by  by S B Caves
Science Fiction

Before a drug is allowed onto the marketplace, it must undergo rigorous tests. Firstly on animals and then eventually on humans. These tests will determine what side effects there are, and in many cases, there will be side effects. Do the positives outweigh the negatives? If a wonder drug saves...

Article by Sam Tyler on 8th July 2024
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Science Fiction
The Knife and the Serpent by  by Tim Pratt
Science Fiction

As a child you read books and imagine that you may be that child who is whisked away on an adventure. Perhaps you will be the chosen one to be taken through a magical wardrobe or told you are a wizard. By the time you are studying for a PhD such flippancy is no longer part of your character, so...

Article by Sam Tyler on 5th July 2024
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Science Fiction
Ghost of the Neon God by  by T R Napper
Science Fiction

I have a soft spot for cyberpunk, the gritty noir feel mixed with high end science fiction. Like many subgenres it can be dismissed as a passing phase, in this case from the 80s, but fans know that there are still exceptional stories out there written today about crying androids or buildings...

Article by Sam Tyler on 25th June 2024
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Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources
- Albert Einstein
Science Fiction
A View from the Stars by  by Liu Cixin
Science Fiction

Like many science fiction fans, I have been swept away by the recent influx of Chinese writers that have been translated. Many of these writers are only new to us but have established careers back in China. The most prominent is the Hugo Award winning Cixin Liu. I have enjoyed the style...

Article by Sam Tyler on 14th June 2024
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Science Fiction
Temptation of the Force by  by Tessa Gratton
Science Fiction

As Star Wars fans we take the lore for granted. We know our Wookie from our Ewok, but to the casual person they are just two different types of furry alien. Take a step back and it is a complex universe, full of planets and species. It was tricky enough with just the three films, but six films...

Article by Sam Tyler on 13th June 2024
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Science Fiction
Service Model by  by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Science Fiction

The world will not die with a bang, but with a whimper. Similarly, it won’t be the robots that uprise and destroy humans, but our own incompetence when it comes to programming. Build and programme things correctly and everything should be fine, but this is modern life and doing things...

Article by Sam Tyler on 7th June 2024
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Science Fiction
The Dark Court by  by Vyvyan Evans
Science Fiction

I imagine there is a dial that an author has when they are writing their book, it spans the gamut of subtle to outrageous. Where do you decide to place your story? Should you keep it lowkey, writing about a world like our own, but with a small tweak? Or do you embrace all that science fiction...

Article by Sam Tyler on 15th May 2024
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Science Fiction
The Die by  by Jude Berman
Science Fiction

There are a lot of different ways to be smart and just because you are one, does not automatically make you the other. The classic is book versus street, you may know your way around an academic essay, but would fail to talk yourself out of a tricky situation outside the pub at closing time. If...

Article by Sam Tyler on 22nd April 2024
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Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources
- Albert Einstein
Science Fiction

There is a knack to adaptation, we have all seen a film made from a book. Many have read an adaptation of a film, but can you make a prose adaptation of a comic book? We see superheroes in the cinema every month, the action and colour sparks on the big screen, but bringing forth all that imagery...

Article by Sam Tyler on 26th March 2024
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Science Fiction
Jumpnauts by  by Hao Jingfang
Science Fiction

Writing a futuristic science fiction novel will allow you to explore strange new worlds but can also be used to explore our past and culture. Reading a wide range of stories from different people, from different parts of the world is a gift that will keep giving your entire life. There has been...

Article by Sam Tyler on 22nd March 2024
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Science Fiction

Science Fiction can be upbeat and utopian or downbeat and dystopian. The current trend is to focus on the negatives, but even these books have a glint of hope in them. When it comes to dystopian visions of the future, they do not come much more intense than Premee Mohamed’s The Siege of...

Article by Sam Tyler on 14th March 2024
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Science Fiction
Redsight by  by Meredith Mooring
Science Fiction

There are space books and then there are Space Operas. What makes a good Space Opera is a sense of scale – the big and the small. Characters making decisions that define the entire Universe, but also their place in the local power struggle. Who will rule, which family? Which sect? Which...

Article by Sam Tyler on 1st March 2024
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Science Fiction
Jubilee by  by Stephen K. Stanford
Science Fiction

What made people think that the middle of the desert was the right place to build a town like Los Vegas where people from around the world flock to get their vice on? It was the fact that it was in the middle of nowhere, safe from prying eyes and it was desperate to for people to visit. There...

Article by Sam Tyler on 19th February 2024
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Science Fiction
Womb City by  by Tlotlo Tsamaase
Science Fiction

At its best science fiction can be a prism to view the current world’s ills in a more palatable manner. Reading about the destruction of our world in a dystopian future feels one step removed from simply looking out of the window. Like environmental catastrophe, some themes are too...

Article by Sam Tyler on 30th January 2024
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Science Fiction novels are stories about an imaginary fantastic future, especially space travel. Science Fiction usually refers to technological abilities that are theoretically possible based on current understandings and there have been many cases were past Science Fiction authors have accurately gauged this technology and years later it has come to pass.

Science fiction book reviews are available here from stories that have been written by the great science fictions like Arthur C Clarke, Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury to the new breed of classic writers such as Allen Steele and science fiction book reviews of the independent and self published authors...

There are so many truly outstanding scifi books out there that it can be very difficult to choose them apart. Listed here are some of the more popular or most read worthy novels available, however if you know of one you would like to see added, let us know, or better yet send us your review and we will see it included on the site.