SFBook - 20+ Years of Reviews

Providing book reviews of speculative fiction since 1999. Read our story

Smothermoss by  by Alisa Alering

There is a long tradition of Folk Horror in the UK, but plenty of other countries bring their own flavour to the genre. American Gothic has all the trappings of classic Folk Horror, but has that distinct US flavour. The woods out there seem different, ancient landscapes unused to the people that...

Article by Sam Tyler on 24th July 2024
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General Fiction

Cozy crime comes in all sizes, but it still has an odd name. The characters may be eccentric, the setting twee, but when it comes down to it, there is still a dead person lying on the carpet. Marple had her village with its higher crime rate than Gotham, Poirot had various summer vacation spots,...

Article by Sam Tyler on 23rd July 2024
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When it comes to vampires, I understand that there is a rich tapestry of versions you can now read about, but I like mine to have that old fashioned appeal. The type of vampire that does not want to talk about their feelings or act like the average tween, but instead wants to wear lace frills...

Article by Sam Tyler on 19th July 2024
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What makes a good folk horror story? It is not just the tension and gruesome moments, but the feeling. You need to get the tone right. A visitor to a new place that is familiar in some ways, but alien in others. You can experience some of this unease yourself just by travelling to somewhere...

Article by Sam Tyler on 16th July 2024
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You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein
The Branded by  by Jo Riccioni

There are all types of fantasy from the high to the low, but for some fans it can be tricky to enjoy one type or the other. For someone interested in starting to read low fantasy they may be turned off by the violence and darkness that this part of the genre emits. On the other hand, high...

Article by Sam Tyler on 11th July 2024
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Navola by  by Paolo Bacigalupi

What is the fantasy genre? It is not just one thing. You can have elves and orcs battling against the backdrop of high wizardry, but you can also write something simpler. Low fantasy is getting so low that it starts to feel like alternative medieval history. Like why write about real history...

Article by Sam Tyler on 10th July 2024
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You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Peter Pan is cheeky, certainly a hero, but he was also annoying and domineering. Did the Lost Boys want to stay on the island, or did Peter force them? On reflection, Peter Pan had some issues, but Disney put an...

Article by Sam Tyler on 9th July 2024
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Science Fiction
Honeycomb by  by S B Caves
Science Fiction

Before a drug is allowed onto the marketplace, it must undergo rigorous tests. Firstly on animals and then eventually on humans. These tests will determine what side effects there are, and in many cases, there will be side effects. Do the positives outweigh the negatives? If a wonder drug saves...

Article by Sam Tyler on 8th July 2024
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Science Fiction
The Knife and the Serpent by  by Tim Pratt
Science Fiction

As a child you read books and imagine that you may be that child who is whisked away on an adventure. Perhaps you will be the chosen one to be taken through a magical wardrobe or told you are a wizard. By the time you are studying for a PhD such flippancy is no longer part of your character, so...

Article by Sam Tyler on 5th July 2024
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A person brings a piece of themselves with them when they read a book. Your background, beliefs and current situation can all inform the story. There are books where it does not really matter who you are, but some books will hit home harder for those who feel a connection. A Better World by...

Article by Sam Tyler on 3rd July 2024
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Science Fiction
Ghost of the Neon God by  by T R Napper
Science Fiction

I have a soft spot for cyberpunk, the gritty noir feel mixed with high end science fiction. Like many subgenres it can be dismissed as a passing phase, in this case from the 80s, but fans know that there are still exceptional stories out there written today about crying androids or buildings...

Article by Sam Tyler on 25th June 2024
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General Fiction
The Glass Box by  by J Michael Straczynski
General Fiction

Some of the best speculative fiction starts with an idea that is not far removed from the normal, a simple nudge to reality can lead to many places. In the case of J. Michael Straczynski’s The Glass Box, this place is a psychiatric hospital. The reason for being sent there? New government...

Article by Sam Tyler on 24th June 2024
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Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish on ability to climb a tree it will live its life believing it is stupid
- Albert Einstein
Science Fiction
A View from the Stars by  by Liu Cixin
Science Fiction

Like many science fiction fans, I have been swept away by the recent influx of Chinese writers that have been translated. Many of these writers are only new to us but have established careers back in China. The most prominent is the Hugo Award winning Cixin Liu. I have enjoyed the style...

Article by Sam Tyler on 14th June 2024
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Science Fiction
Temptation of the Force by  by Tessa Gratton
Science Fiction

As Star Wars fans we take the lore for granted. We know our Wookie from our Ewok, but to the casual person they are just two different types of furry alien. Take a step back and it is a complex universe, full of planets and species. It was tricky enough with just the three films, but six films...

Article by Sam Tyler on 13th June 2024
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General Fiction
To Kill a King by  by David Gilman
General Fiction

When I finally get around to building that time machine, I made a note not to visit 14th century Europe. The continent was a hodgepodge of wars and battles. Even during times of peace you could still stumble across the wrong village, and they would kill you for your shoes. Not a century for...

Article by Sam Tyler on 11th June 2024
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General Fiction
How Like a God by  by Rex Stout
General Fiction

When you enter midlife, you must watch out that you do not get lost in the past. Past glories that may have been, lovers that were or could have been. There is a reason that some people drift into a crisis, seeing the grass could have been greener had they picked a different path. When you are...

Article by Sam Tyler on 10th June 2024
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Science Fiction
Service Model by  by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Science Fiction

The world will not die with a bang, but with a whimper. Similarly, it won’t be the robots that uprise and destroy humans, but our own incompetence when it comes to programming. Build and programme things correctly and everything should be fine, but this is modern life and doing things...

Article by Sam Tyler on 7th June 2024
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The horror genre has taught me how to deal with events that happened in my childhood. If you and a bunch of friends accidently run over a homeless person or set fire to a witch, the best thing is just to admit it without delay and take your lumps. You see, no matter how many years pass, they...

Article by Sam Tyler on 4th June 2024
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Science fiction, fantasy & horror book reviews

SFBook.com is one of the oldest book review sites on the internet, founded back in 1999 in an age before phones became smart and when the leading figure of the free world was respected and even occasionally admired. A non profit site primarily aimed at the Science fiction, fantasy and horror genres (although we do have a growing list of general fiction). We strive to feature only the very best in Science fiction, fantasy, horror and speculative novels. We like to think we write personal, unique and constructive reviews.

We are constantly evolving and expanding the web site and strive to make the site a richer experience for the visitor. If you have any suggestions, or constructive feedback we'd love to hear from you.

We have dedicated pages for Science fiction book reviews as well as fantasy book reviews and horror book reviews but you can also browse by author, publisher, name, series or Sub Genre.

Reviews are provided by a team of regular and guest reviewers from around the world, mostly based in the USA and the UK. These include Ant - the site editor, Allen Stroud - chair of the BSFA and Sam Tyler, reviewer extraordinaire. We try our very best to prevent giving away any spoilers so that the reading experience remains as fresh as possible. Where spoilers are mentioned, we do our best to let you know in advance. We firmly believe that life is too short to struggle through a book you are not enjoying so often the reviews you see will be the books we've made it through to the end. However if you want to know about a book not listed, please feel free to get in touch.

If you are a publisher, author or authors agent who would like to see a book reviewed you can reach us on the Contact Us page. If you'd like to review books or related articles to feature on the site, get in touch with Ant.

Disclaimer: This is a disclaimer about the site in general and it's reviewers. As mentioned above this site is completely non-profit. The site owner (Ant) hates to see websites plastered with adverts and as such advertising is pretty much banned from the site. None of our reviewers accept any monetary remuneration or gifts for the reviews we provide and we not employed by any publisher or author. We do however accept advanced reading copies of books by authors and publishers so that we can review their work. The reviews on the site are not biased in any way and purely reflect the opinion of the reviewer.

Cookies and Ads  We believe in privacy and don't store personal information about our visitors. We are one of the few sites in the internet who are cookie free. We also don't like the proliferation of advertisements that dominate the modern internet and as such you will not find adverts of any kind on this site.