News for August 2009

Dr Michio Kaku

The BBC have reported that many of the science fiction ideas including invisibility cloaks, teleportation and even time travel may be closer to reality that you might think.

The news story follows a recently published book by the renowned theoretical physicist Dr Michio Kaku, who is the co-founder of string field theory (often...

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The clockwork vampires are invading!, the new novel "Kell's Legend, written by Andy Remic and shortly to be published by Angry Robot Books features clockwork vampires invading the land of Falanor.

A small group of heroes set off to warn the king, Kell the ancient hero, his granddaughter Nienna and her friend Katrina. They are joined with Saark, the ex champion of the King, brought into disgrace after an affair with the queen.

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Google Books

The online giant Amazon is joining forces with digital Titans Microsoft and Yahoo to sign up to the Open Book Alliance in a coalition to fight Google's attempt to create the world's biggest virtual library.

The Open Book Alliance opposes a recent legal settlement worth $125 million between book publishers and Google which...

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The safest road to hell is the gradual one-the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts
- CS Lewis
Rough Guide to the (Hitchhikers) Guide to the Galaxy

To mark the 30th Aniversary and the release of the sixth novel in the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy trilogy, the Rough Guide are launching the "Rough Guide to the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy".

With over 16 million novels sold so far, with the journey from Radio to...

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Doctor Who

The BBC have released a few of the classic Doctor Who novels for free as e-books on the BBC website. Many of these novels are quite rare and even feature brand new original artwork and extensive additional notes written by the original authors.

Novels available at the moment include Human Nature written by Paul Cornell and featuring...

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Zombies could wipe us all out!

According to new scientific research, an attack of Zombies could wipe out civilisation unless dealt with aggressively and fast.

These conclusions are the result of a mathematical excercise carried out by researchers at the University's of Ottawa and Carleton and shows that in many respects a...

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Google Books

The Nominations for the World Fantasy Awards 2009 have been announced, with authors including Neil Gaiman (for both the Graveyard book and the novella "Odd and the Frost Giants"), Kage Baker for "House of the Stag", Jeffrey Ford for "The Shadow Year" and Daryl Gregory for "Pandemonium".

The winners will be announced during the World Fantasy...

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Terry Pratchet

Terry Pratchett, one of the most successful authors on the planet, who was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease in December 2007 has made an emotional plea for the right to choose to die when his quality of life deteriorates to the point that he can no longer carry on.

Terry Pratchett spoke out after the...

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The safest road to hell is the gradual one-the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts
- CS Lewis
Doctor Who

The Guinness book of records has recently honored the Doctor Who series by proclaiming it the most successful sci-fi series of all time.

The award was based on many factors including broadcast ratings, DVD sales, book sales, itunes traffic, and even estimated illegal downloads. Russell T Davies accepted the honor on behalf of the...

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