News for October 2010


This years winners of the World Fantasy Award have just been announced and the winner of the best novel goes to China Miéville for his incredible novel "The City & The City". The novel has already won the 2010 Hugo Award (tied with Paolo Bacigalupi's The Windup Girl), the 2010 British Science Fiction Award, the 2010 Arthur C Clarke Award and this years John W Campbell Award.

The seminal authors Sir Terry Pratchett, Brian Lumley and...

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Experiment test if the Universe is a Hologram

Way back in January 2009, we reported on a theory that the Universe is just a hologram, which explained that for the last seven years German scientists had been conducting an experiment (called the GEO600) to look for gravitational waves - ripples in space-time thrown off by super-dense astronomical...

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An Irish independant film maker has gone public with what he says could be a time traveller appearing in extra footage from the DVD of the 1928 Charlie Chaplin film "The Circus".

The scene can be found in the extra's menu of the DVD and features a "woman" walking along and appearing to talk into an object she is holding up to her ear, the size and shape of a modern mobile phone. Don't forget this is footage filmed in 1928, before...

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People think that I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a glass jar on my desk.
- Stephen King
Happy Birthday! SFBook is 11 years old!

Happy Birthday to us Happy Birthday to us Happy Birthday SFBook, Happy Birthday to us. As you may have just guessed SFBook is 11 years old!, which in internet terms is positively ancient and only a year younger than the colossus Google.

Over the last 11 years SFBook has strived to offer the best reviews in...

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Here at SFBook we are very careful about the horror books we read, you won't find many on the site and there isn't even a seperate section for the genre (yet). We do however know when a good horror book comes along, as the festival of Samhain draws near what better way to celebrate than a really good book, or 5.

So here for your viewing pleasure is the non horror readers guide to the best horror novels for halloween:

The Top...

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Have scientists found an alien city?

A huge alien planet 44 light years from earth in the constellation Andromeda is baffling scientist with a very strange "hot spot" on it's side.

The planet in question, known as "Upsilon Andromedae b" (catchy eh!) is a large gas giant like our own Jupiter and is "tidally locked" meaning that it doesn't...

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The Scale of the Universe

Some very clever people by the name of Cary Huang and Michael Huang have created a model showing the scale of the whole universe, from the "Quantum foam" of Einstein's space-time theory - the length of 1 plank, or the smallest possible length in the Universe, right up to the estimated size of the Universe itself.


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Peter Hamilton special guest at MCM Expo

One of Britain's finest science fiction authors, kind enough to be interviewed on sfbook twice, Peter F Hamilton will be appearing as a special guest at this years MCM Expo (London's Comic con) which runs from...

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People think that I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a glass jar on my desk.
- Stephen King
A book reviewers review of the Kindle

SFBook has finally got it's hands on an e-reader, more specifically the new version of Amazon's Kindle and as this is a review site I thought it a good idea to offer a review.

Firstly I confess that although I work in the IT sector, I am somewhat of a traditionalist when it comes to books. I love the whole...

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Will Our Prime Minister uncover the truth about Aliens?

For the third rime this year alone, a UFO has forced Baotou airport in China to close in order to prevent any aeroplanes crashing into the object. Three flights from Shanghai and Beijing were forced to circle the airport until the UFO dissapeared while two other flights were diverted to other...

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