News for October 2008

Writing a novel

Write A Novel in November is an international project to encourage people to put pen to paper. The NaNoWriMo project was created by American Author Chris Baty in July 1999 and in the first year it had 21 participants, all in the San Francisco Bay area in the USA. Since then the project has been growing steadily and the number of participants...

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Google has agreed a copyright deal, including paying $125 million to settle long standing lawsuits brought against them. These lawsuits were brought against Google over their plan to use copyright material online in Google books. While this has been agreed by the American Authors and Publishers, it has yet to be approved by the US District Court for...

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Beedle the Bard

JK Rowling is to launch her new novel, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, at a tea party at the National Library of Scotland in edinburgh, hosted by herself for school children.

The book was originally never intended for mass publication, with 6 copies being handwritten by JK Rowling as...

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Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be.
- Kurt Vonnegut
vampire zero

Vampires are real! and everyone knows it!, well maybe not really but this is the premise of the new novel "Vampire Zero" from David Wellington.

The Vampires are portrayed in this novel as real monsters that have been thought to have died out by all but a few police officers. The story centers on vampire...

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guillermo del toro

The Director of Pans Labyrinth, Hellboy and the yet to be released The Hobbit films, is publishing his first ever novel. Guillermo Del Toro has signed a publishing deal with HarperCollins to publish a trilogy of novels about a vampiric virus invading New York.

The first novel, titled "The Strain" is due to be published...

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A Brand new novel in Douglas Adams Hitchhikers guide series is to be written by Author Eoin Colfer, best known for his childrens fantasy novels featuring Artemis Fowl.

Douglas Adams widow, Jane Belson has agreed that Eoin can write this new novel, to be published by Penguin and is going to be titled "And Another Thing..."

Eoin is a very succesfull Author who has written an astounding series of childrens novels featuring a...

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David Gemmell

Preperations are well underway to present the new David Gemmell award for Fantasy which will be presented to the best Fantasy novel of the year 2008.

This award has been instigated by the colleagues and friends of the Late David Gemmell, with official support from his wife Stella Gemmell and will cellebrate Davids Life and...

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Neil Gaiman has been touring for his new book, The Graveyard Book and at each appearance he has been reading chapters aloud while being filmed.

Each film is then being posted to Neil Gaimans Website for young readers: Mouse Circus, so people can then watch each of these broadcasts.

Also on the website is a chance to win one of 25 copies of the book, all you need to do is put your contact details in for a chance to win!.


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