News for February 2010

Free Nekropolis Short Story!

In the run up to the launch of the next episode in the most excellent Nekropolis tale - Mean Streets (which is out next week) those ever so Angry Robots have allowed us mere mortals a free short story set in the same universe.

Titled "The Midnight Watch", the short story is set after the events in Nekropolis and features...

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It has been revealed that the first episode in the new series of Doctor Who which features the 11th Doctor (played by Matt Smith) will be a full 60 minutes long and has been called "The Eleventh Hour".

In news of the series, the Doctor and his new companion (Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan) will explore 16th century Venice, France around 1890 and best of all a far future UK, now floating in outer space. The Daleks are set to make a...

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A new Fan made Lord of the Rings film has been released on the internet and is already causing quite a stir among fans, with over 500 000 views on you tube. Created on a budget of just £25 000, Born of Hope is set long before the events in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and tells the story of Aragorns parents, Arathorn and Gilraen and the birth of Aragorn himself.

The brain child of Kate Madison, who even put her whole savings into...

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Cynical realism is the intelligent man's best excuse for doing nothing in an intolerable situation.
- Aldous Huxley
We are all Aliens...

The theory that we are all aliens from outer space has been once again thrust into the media spotlight by the british Scientist Prof Chandra Wickramasinghe of Cardiff University. He claims that the evidence that life started outside our solar system is quite "overwhelming".

The first seeds of life are thought to have been...

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A New approach to telling stories

Harper Collins new Imprint Angry Robot Books is moving from strength to strength and really pushing the boundries with new ideas and intelligent fiction.

Not content with this, they have found a approach of telling a story that will allow adult and child to both enjoy the same novel. Kaaron Warren is the author...

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Amazon bows to publisher pressure

Last week Amazon was forced to remove thousands of e-books from it's US site after one of the 6 biggest book publishers in the world, Macmillan announced that they wanted the ebook prices to be significantly raised from the current standard of $9.99

This week Amazon has caved into the pressure from Macmillan and has...

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2009 BSFA Award shortlist

The shortlist for the 2009 British Science Fiction Association (BSFA) Awards have been announced and include Ursula Le Guin for new novel Lavinia and Adam Roberts for the acclaimed novel "Yellow Blue Tibia" which according to Kim Stanley Robinson, should have won the Booker Prize.

Adam Roberts debut novel, Salt was nominated...

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