Ira Nayman wins the 2010 Swift Satire Competition

Ira Nayman wins the 2010 Swift Satire Competition

Ira Nayman, the Canadian author and journalist has won first place in the 2010 Swift Satire Competition. The winning entry was a poem set in images called "Love Amid the Construction" and featured a couple who can only find sexual satisfaction on construction sites. Can their love survive a slow-down in construction brought on by the economic downturn?

"Love Amid the Construction" will shortly be posted to the Swift Satire Web site without its images. It will appear on Ira Nayman's own Web site, Les pages aux Folles, complete with images in three to four weeks.

This is the third year of the Swift Satire Competition. The number of entries accepted into the competition is a closely guarded secret. What we can tell you is that entries came from Ireland, UK, USA, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and, of course, Canada. Oh, and first prize was 500 Euros.

Upon hearing the news, Ira Nayman's was quoted as saying: " I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I - was an honour just to make the short list."

Les Pages Aux Folles is a website which features fictional political and satirical articles and also features cartoons which are both updated on a weekly basis. Founded in 2002, the website features many Science fiction and Alternative Reality news stories under their own section "Alternate Reality News Stories", which features a new article every 3 weeks.

Some of these alternative reality news articles have even been published, currently in two volumes: Alternate Reality Ain't what it used to be and "What Were Once Miracles Are Now Children's Toys" (expect a review very soon).

The Alternate Reality News service even have their own facebook area where you can ask questions, seek advice with Ask Amritsar and Ask the Tech Answer Guy and even climb the corporate ladder and have your own news beat.

As if all that wasn't keeping Ira busy enough there is even a pilot for a radio series currently in post-production based on "The Weight of Information," a story in What Were Once Miracles Are Now Children's Toys.