The Short Scifi film Hollywood is fighting over

Commercial director Carl Erik Rinsch was originally planning on making his directorial debut with the ridley scott "Alien" prequel however as this fell through he took part in electronic giant Phillips' short-film experiment, which allowed five filmmakers to make their own movie using the same piece of dialogue.

Rinsch's short movie is called "The Gift" and is a futuristic story set in Moscow and seemlessly combines robotic and human elements with a Bournes style chase sequence and police who bear a remarkable resemblence to those found in half-life 2 (even down to the noises they make with their masks on)

This short film is quite simply breaktaking and I for one would pay good money to see a feature film made from this.

When the short film was released on Wednesday a bidding war broke out between several film studios including fierce rivals Fox and Warner Bros. Rumors suggest that Fox will win based upon the fact that Rinsch is part of RSA (Ridley Scott Associates) who produced the short and have a longtime association with Fox.

The Gift isn't the first short film to grab attention, back in November there was the Giant robot spectacular (reminiscent of War of the Worlds) called "Panic Attack!", created by Uruguayan filmmaker Fede Alvarez which resulted in him getting representation and a film deal with Sam Raimi's Ghost House production company.

So you can see for yourself here are the 2 films in question:

The Gift

Panic Attack!