Bag of Bones
By Stephen King

- Bag of Bones
Author: Stephen King
- Publisher:
- Published:
- Pages: 672
- Format reviewed: Paperback
- Review date: 08/11/1999
- Language: English
Bag of Bones is a horror novel by the master of the genre Stephen King.
After having been a bit disappointed with the last few King books and having read nothing about this new one, I felt rather brave, when I brought it last friday. Luckily Bag of Bones is one of the best King books that I've read in a long time. King is back at what he does best, slowly building tension and bringing it to a height where you can't stop reading and just have to read one more page. We are back among the ghosts, the skeletons and bags of bones.
We follow the novelist Mike Noonan, as he lives through the years after his wife (Jo) died of a brain aneurism. As he starts to investigate what happened in the last half year of her life, he stumbles over, or rather is pushed into, a old ghost story that is all to real.
Somehow Bag of Bones reminds me of It, not that it's the same story, but it uses the same notion of a thin reality with monsters right beneath the reality that we (normal people) perceive. Only, I think that it's better written and more tightly paced.
Oh, and the ending is actually very good, which is really nice. Normally I start to get a bad feeling when I get to the end of a King book, my subconscious starts to go "How is he gonna fumble this one? How is he gonna fumble this one? Etc. Etc.", but this one left me pleasantly surprised.
Oh, and by the way, there's no connections to the Dark Tower in this book (not that I noticed anyway).
Written on 8th November 1999 by TC .