Future's Edge

By Gareth L Powell

Future's Edge, a novel by Gareth L Powell
Book details About the author

The Earth has exploded killing all the inhabitants, the only survivors are those humans that happened to be off planet at the time. Does not sound like the start of a fun Science Fiction novel, does it? Douglas Adams would beg to differ and so would Gareth L. Powell. Future’s Edge is the author’s latest book and begins with the near annihilation of humans by a malevolent alien species. The book is about this, but it is also about hope, friendships and whether it is a good idea to use the in-ship fabricator to make recreation drugs or not. 

Two years ago, Earth ceased to host life. Ursula Morrow was on one of the handful of spaceships that escaped. She now runs a ramshackle bar in a refugee camp hosted on some remote alien world. Ursula makes it a habit of surviving, she already managed to live through being infected with an alien parasite, one that protects her from damage. When her Ex enters her bar, she thinks he has returned for her, but it is the parasite he wants, it may just be the key to stopping the incessant onslaught of the Cutters. 

Edge is a science fiction tale that deals in grandiose ideas but keeps the story personal. It does not get much bigger than an alien race methodically finding any intelligent lifeforms they can and then destroying them. It has all the hallmarks of an epic ten book space opera series, but Powell does not go down this route and instead decided to write something far more pacy and pithy. 

This is really the story of Ursula and the cohorts she meets on the way. Your classic bedraggled group of survivors forced together through happenstance. It would have been enjoyable enough just to follow Ursula and the people she meets. Her ex and his new wife, who happens to be the ship’s AI, an alien bartender friend, a pilot who likes to get high on their off time. All flawed and interesting characters, but they must work through these issues individually and together as they are thrust into something epic. Universe saving epic. 

I read a lot of science fiction and love the genre. I do enjoy complex and long space operas with multiple protagonists, but they can be overlong and dull. It takes a deft hand to write a good one. I prefer something like Edge, a book that does not forget to be entertaining. This is a fun book; it is enjoyable to read. The stakes may be high, but so are some of the characters. It feels like real flawed people scrambling around to get things done and I am there for that. 

The balance of sentiment and laughs is expertly done. Powell acknowledges that a lot of the dark humour and sarcasm of the characters is rooted in trauma. Ursula and the like have seen a lot in the past two years, and you learn to cope, or you walk into the swamp to be eaten by the creatures there. There is a sadness in the book, but also a shining hope. Human’s ability to adapt and survive, whilst still kicking alien butt and taking the micky is all on show. Edge is as thoughtful as it is funny, a combination that is not easy to pull off and one that Powell does with aplomb. 

Written on 28th February 2025 by .

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