The Divine Invasion
By Philip K Dick

- The Divine Invasion
Author: Philip K Dick
- Publisher:
- Published: November 1981
- Pages: 272
- Format reviewed: Paperback
- Review date: 21/02/2002
- Language: English
- Age Range: N/A
The Divine Invasion is a science fiction novel by the critically acclaimed author Philip K Dick.
Couple of people live in some bubbles on a crispy cold methane planet. Bachelor pad one: the guy loves some Rondstadt type woman (Linda Fox) and is a dj from his home dome.
The lady in the next bubble is messed up. She gets pregnant. Goes to Earth. The kid is another Valis kid. Catholics are threatened by the thought of someone penetrating thier control of Earth and want to keep anything reasonable/messiah like off the planet.
The parents are in a wreck coming into Earth. The kid is born and he's a real handful of cheerio power. This one goes round and round with the different worlds overspilling into each other and is a swell/short read with a nasty minded goat thrown in.
Written on 21st February 2002 by TC .