Knee-Deep in the Dead
By Dafydd ab Hugh

- Knee-Deep in the Dead
Author: Dafydd ab Hugh
- Series: Doom Series
- Publisher:
- ISBN: 978-0671525552
- Published: August 1995
- Pages: 250
- Format reviewed: Paperback
- Review date: 29/10/2014
- Language: English
- Age Range: N/A
DOOM is a recognizable brand to any 90s kid or true gamer from the PC age of first person video gaming. One of my most vivid memories as a kid is sitting in my underwear at the large IBM PC a kid, around the age of six, blasting away demons, boneys, and hell-princes until late into the night. DOOM changed video gaming and provided a fun, horror filled universe for fans to live in. Sadly, as a kid, I never read the DOOM novelizations. Now, more than twenty years later, I am enjoying this series. The first book in the series is so far its best.
Imagine your worst nightmare becoming a reality. Humanity’s conception of hell and horror are made real by alien invaders who have one prime objective: destroy humanity!
"Fly" Taggart and Arlene, "A.S.", must traverse Mars’ moons and destroy thousands (literally!) of factory produced demon-like creatures and, wait for it . . . zombies! Yes, I think this is definitely one of those long lost zombie tales that should make a come back. Although I am personally burned out on the zombie genre (sorry The Walking Dead fans, but it is true), I felt revived by the undeads in the DOOM series. Their lemon-stinking existence is a constant reminder that when the dead walk the earth (DOOM #2), so will demons.
DOOM reads just like a live-action video game. The authors do a fun job to explain why rockets and MediPacks appear randomly when levers are pulled. Great imagination plus care and love was put into these stores for fans of DOOM. Knee-Deep in the Dead is by far the best of the four part series.
Written on 29th October 2014 by D. L. Denham .